News Brief

News Brief

UFCST Associate Director elected as AChemS president

UFCST Associate Director Dr. Steven Munger has been elected by the chemosensory community to lead the Association for Chemoreception Science, the largest scientific society focused on advancing understanding of smell and taste.

Dr. Munger will serve a four year term as President-elect, President, Past President and Senior Advisor of AChemS, helping to guide the organization in its mission to foster chemosensory science; to communicate that science to the public, the broader scientific community, and to industry; and to train the next generation of smell and taste researchers.

Both UFCST’s Director, Dr. Barry Ache, and UFCST’s Director of Psychophysical Research, Dr. Linda Bartoshuk, previously served in this capacity. Dr. Bartoshuk also was one of the founding members of the AChemS organization.

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